When strong winds blow through your neighborhood, they can leave behind a trail of destruction. Your home, which should be a haven, might have broken windows, damaged roofs, or fallen trees crushing your property. It’s a scary and stressful situation, but don’t worry – there are steps you can take to get things back to normal. This guide will walk you through how to file a claim for wind damage to your property and why having a New Orleans wind damage lawyer on your side can make a difference.
Understanding Wind Damage
Wind can cause all sorts of problems for your home and belongings. It might tear off shingles from your roof, send tree branches crashing through windows, or knock over fences. Sometimes, the damage is easy to spot, like a hole in your roof. Other times, it’s harder to see, like small cracks that can let water seep in later.
No matter what kind of wind damage you’re dealing with, taking action quickly is important. The sooner you start the claims process, the sooner you can get your property fixed and back to normal.
Calling Your Insurance Company

Once you’ve checked out the damage, it’s time to let your insurance company know what happened. You’ll want to call them pretty quickly after the wind damage occurs. They’ll ask you some questions about what happened and what got damaged.
The insurance company will probably send someone called an adjuster to look at your property. This person’s job is determining how much the insurance company should pay for the repairs.
Here’s where things can get tricky. The insurance company wants to pay as little as possible, while you want to ensure you get enough money to fix everything properly. This is one reason why having a property damage lawyer on your side can be helpful.
Why You Need a Property Damage Lawyer
You might be wondering if you need a property damage lawyer for this. The answer is usually yes, and here’s why:
Insurance companies have teams of attorneys working for them. These attorneys know all the ins and outs of insurance policies and how to interpret them to benefit the insurance company. If you try to handle everything independently, you might get less money than you deserve.
A property damage attorney knows how to deal with insurance companies. They understand all the terms in your policy and can ensure the insurance company isn’t trying to shortchange you. They can also clarify your rights and options.
Plus, dealing with insurance claims can be time-consuming and stressful. When you’re already upset about the damage to your property, the last thing you want is to spend hours arguing with insurance representatives on the phone. A lawyer can handle all that for you, letting you focus on returning your life to normal.
Understanding Your Insurance Policy
Insurance policies can be confusing. They’re full of legal terms that most people don’t use daily. But understanding your policy is super important when you’re filing a claim.
Your homeowner’s insurance policy should cover damage from wind, but there might be some exceptions or limits. For example, some policies have a separate deductible for wind damage. You might have to pay more out of pocket before insurance kicks in.
A property damage lawyer can clarify exactly what your policy covers. They can explain any confusing parts and ensure you get all the benefits you’re entitled to.
Dealing with Denied Claims

Sometimes, insurance companies deny claims even when they should be covered. This can happen for all sorts of reasons. Maybe they believe something other than wind caused the damage. Or they might say you didn’t file the claim quickly enough.
If your claim gets denied, don’t give up! A property damage attorney can challenge the denial. They know the laws about insurance and can argue your case effectively.
Remember, insurance companies are businesses. Their goal is to make money, sometimes paying out as little as possible on claims. A lawyer can level the playing field and ensure you receive fair treatment.
Negotiating with the Insurance Company
Even if the insurance company doesn’t outright deny your claim, you might not agree with how much the insurance company offers to pay. This is where negotiation comes in.
Negotiating with an insurance company can be tough. They have lots of experience and know all kinds of tactics to try to pay less. But a property damage lawyer has experience, too. They can counter the insurance company’s arguments and fight for a fair settlement.
Your lawyer can gather evidence to support your claim, like reports from independent professionals about the extent of the damage. They can also explain what a fair settlement should look like based on the specifics of your situation.
Understanding Bad Faith
Sometimes, insurance companies don’t just make honest mistakes. They might act in what’s called “bad faith.” This means they’re not treating you fairly or honestly.
Some examples of bad faith include denying a claim without a reason, taking too long to respond to your claim, offering much less money than your claim is worth, or misrepresenting what your policy covers.
If you think your insurance company might be acting in bad faith, you should talk to a lawyer. Bad faith practices are against the law, and you can take legal action against the insurance company.
A property damage lawyer can identify if bad faith is occurring in your case. If bad faith occurs, they can fight back and potentially secure additional compensation beyond just the cost of repairs.
Dealing with Liability Issues
Sometimes, wind damage can cause problems beyond just your property. For example, if a tree from your yard falls on your neighbor’s house during a windstorm, you might be worried about liability.
This is where liability insurance comes in. This type of insurance protects you if you’re found responsible for damage to someone else’s property or if someone gets hurt on your property.
If you’re dealing with liability issues related to wind damage, having a lawyer on your side is extra important. They can clarify your rights and responsibilities and protect your interests.
Understanding Mediation and Arbitration
You might hear about options like mediation or arbitration if you and the insurance company can’t agree on a settlement. These are ways of resolving disputes without going to court.
In mediation, a neutral third party helps you and the insurance company reach an agreement. The mediator doesn’t make any decisions. They just help facilitate the conversation.
Arbitration is a bit more formal. An arbitrator (or sometimes a panel of arbitrators) hears both sides and then decides. Depending on the terms of your insurance policy, this decision might be binding, which means you have to accept it.
Both mediation and arbitration can be useful tools for resolving insurance disputes. But they can also be tricky to navigate. A property damage lawyer can clarify these processes and represent your interests effectively.
Calculating Damages

Figuring out how much your claim is worth isn’t always easy. It’s not just about the cost of immediate repairs. You might also need to consider the cost of temporary housing if your home isn’t livable, lost personal property, any injuries related to wind damage, and long-term effects on your property value.
A property damage attorney will consider all these factors and might collaborate with professionals such as contractors or appraisers to comprehensively understand your damages. They will assess the damage’s visible and hidden impacts, including the cost of repairs, loss of value, and any additional expenses incurred. This thorough approach addresses every aspect of your claim and secures the full compensation you deserve.
Remember, the goal is to make you “whole” again – to restore you to the position you were in before the wind damage occurred. This often involves addressing more than just visible damage. It includes covering the costs of hidden damages, compensating for lost value, and managing disruptions to your daily life. The aim is to ensure that you recover fully, including any emotional or financial impacts caused by the incident.
Understanding the Claims Process Timeline
Filing a wind damage claim and repairing everything can take longer than expected. It’s not unusual for the process to take several months, especially if there’s a lot of damage or you run into issues with your insurance company.
Here’s a rough idea of what you might expect: First, you file your claim as soon as possible after the damage occurs. Then, the insurance company sends an adjuster to assess the damage. This usually happens within a few days to a week. After that, you receive an initial offer from the insurance company. This can take a few weeks. If you don’t agree with the offer, negotiations begin. This can take weeks or even months. Once a settlement is reached, repairs can start. The length of this phase depends on the extent of the damage.
Having a lawyer can often speed up this process. They know how to keep things moving and can push back if the insurance company is dragging its feet.
Dealing with Multiple Insurance Policies
Sometimes, wind damage situations can involve multiple insurance policies. For example, if you’re a renter, both your renter’s insurance and your landlord’s property insurance might come into play.
If the wind damage resulted from a larger weather event, such as a hurricane, you might need to manage both your standard homeowner’s insurance and a separate wind insurance policy.
Navigating multiple policies can get confusing fast. Each policy might cover different things or have different requirements for filing claims. A property damage lawyer can explain how these policies work together and ensure you receive the full benefits you’re entitled to from each one.
Understanding Policy Limits and Deductibles
Every insurance policy has limits – the maximum amount the insurance company will pay for a claim. It’s important to understand these limits when filing a wind damage claim.
You’ll also need to consider your deductible. This is the amount you have to pay out of pocket before your insurance coverage kicks in. Some policies have separate, higher deductibles for wind damage.
A lawyer can explain how these factors impact your claim and provide guidance on managing complex insurance situations. They can also explore options if damages exceed policy limits, including negotiating with insurers or seeking additional sources of compensation.
Documenting Everything
As you go through the claims process, keeping good records is important. Save all your communications with the insurance company, including emails and notes from phone calls. Keep receipts for any expenses related to the wind damage, like temporary repairs or hotel stays.
Good documentation can make a huge difference if you have disputes with your insurance company. A property damage lawyer can clarify the most important documentation and show you how to organize it effectively.
Dealing with Partial Damage
Sometimes, wind doesn’t destroy something but damages it enough to be replaced. For example, a windstorm might damage just part of your roof or siding.
In these cases, insurance companies sometimes try to only pay for patching the damaged area, even if this will leave your home looking mismatched or less protected. A property damage lawyer will argue for full replacement when warranted and ensure your home returns to its pre-damage condition.
Understanding Depreciation

New Orleans Wind
Damage Lawyer
When calculating the amount to pay for damaged items, insurance companies often consider depreciation—the decrease in value of items over time due to age and wear.
This can result in you receiving less money than you need to replace your damaged belongings. Some policies offer “replacement cost” coverage, which pays the full cost to replace items regardless of depreciation.
A property damage lawyer can explain how depreciation affects your claim and advocate for fair compensation.
Reach Out to a Property Damage Lawyer Today
If you’re dealing with wind damage to your property, consider contacting a Louisiana insurance lawyer today. They can review your case, explain your options, and guide you through the next steps to secure the compensation you deserve. With a lawyer on your side, you can confidently navigate the claims process and work towards putting this difficult experience behind you.